

郑 小雪




博士,博士后,闽江学院特聘教授,硕士生导师,担任国家一级学会“中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会”的“智能决策与博弈分会”理事,是《Transportation Research Part E : Logistics and Transportation Review》、《International Journal of Strategic Property Management》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《控制与决策》等国内外多个知名期刊审稿人。加拿大温莎大学(University of Windsor)2017-2018年度访问学者。


福州大学经济与管理学院   管理科学与工程   博士

福州大学经济与管理学院   管理科学与工程   硕士

福州大学   计算机科学与技术   学士








1.Zheng, X. X. (郑小雪) and Chang, C. T.* (2021). Topology design of remote patient monitoring system concerning qualitative and quantitative issues. Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 98:102137 (ABS3星,中科院SCI/SSCI及JCR一区, Impact Factor: 5.341)
2.Jia, F., Zhang, S., Zheng, X. X. (通讯作者), & Choi, T. M. (2023). A novel coordination mechanism to coordinate the multi-agent reverse supply chain with fairness concerns. International Journal of Production Economics, 265, 108973.
3.Zheng, X. X., & Li, D. F. (2023). A new biform game-based investment incentive mechanism for eco-efficient innovation in supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 258, 108795.
4.Zheng, X. X., Li, D. F., Liu, Z., Jia, F., & Lev, B. (2021). Willingness-to-cede behaviour in sustainable supply chain coordination. International Journal of Production Economics, 240:108207.
5.Zheng, X. X. (郑小雪), Liu, Z., Kevin W., Huang, J.* and Chen, J. (2019). Cooperative game approaches to coordinating a three-echelon closed-loop supply chain with fairness concerns. International Journal of Production Economics, 212, 92-110. (ABS3星,中科院SCI/SSCI及JCR一区, Impact Factor: 4.998) (ESI高被引论文)
6.Zheng, X. X. (郑小雪), Li, D. F. Liu, Z., Jia, F. and Sheu, J.B.* (2019). Coordinating a closed-loop supply chain with fairness concerns through variable-weighted Shapley values. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2019, 126: 227-253 (ABS3星,中科院SCI/SSCI及JCR二区, Impact Factor: 4.25)
8.Zheng, X. X., Chang, C. T., Li, D. F., Liu, Z., & Lev, B. (2022). Designing an incentive scheme for producer responsibility organization of waste tires: A MCGP cooperative game approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 167, 108009. (JCR一区,中科院二区,SCI,SSCI,ABS2星)
9.Liu, Z., Wan, M. D., Zheng, X. X.(通讯作者), & Koh, S. L. (2022). Fairness concerns and extended producer responsibility transmission in a circular supply chain. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 216-228. (JCR一区,SSCI,ABS3星)
10.Zheng, X. X., Guo, J., Jia, F., & Zhang, S. (2022). Cooperative game theory approach to develop an incentive mechanism for biopesticide adoption through farmer producer organizations. Journal of Environmental Management, 319, 115696.(JCR一区,SSCI,ABS3星)
11.Liu, Z, Zheng, X. X. (Co-first author), Li, D.F., Liao, C.N., Li, D. F., and Sheu, J.B.* (2021). A novel cooperative game-based method to coordinate a sustainable supply chain under psychological uncertainty in fairness concerns. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 147:102237. (ABS3星, SCI/SSCI,JCR一区, Impact Factor: 4.25)
12.Zhang, S., Long, F., Jia, F., & Zheng, X. X. (2023). Trade-off between economic, environmental and social objectives in pesticide supply chains. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-32.
13.Yang, X. S., Zheng, X. X., Zhang, T. Y., Du, Y., & Long, F. (2021). Waste Electrical and Electronic Fund Policy: Current Status and Evaluation of Implementation in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 12945.
16.郑小雪, 刘志. (2020). 第三方再制造外包模式选择与协调研究,控制与决策. 35(9):2261-2268.
17.郑小雪, 李登峰, 刘志, 郑守红. (2020). 政府补贴新能源汽车的不同模式效果差异研究. 系统科学与数学,  40(10):1821-1835.
18.兰龙辉, 郑小雪, 李登峰, 曾婷婷. (2020). 考虑互惠偏好的闭环供应链合作博弈模型. 计算机集成制造系统, 2020,26(12):3458-3470.
19.刘丁瑞, 李登峰*, 郑小雪. (2020). 公平关切下考虑服务水平的供应链产品定价决策研究. 南开管理评论, 23(1), 98-106.
20.曾婷婷, 李登峰, 郑小雪.(2020). 考虑互惠偏好的闭环供应链系统合作机制研究. 系统科学与数学, 40(1), 1-22.
21.马晓平, 刘志*, 李帮义, 唐娟, 郑小雪. (2020). 不同担保模式下考虑零售商公平关切的闭环供应链博弈模型研究. 控制与决策, DOI:10.13195/j.kzyjc.2019.1328. (在线出版).
23.Lin, Y., Hu, X.*, Zheng, X. X. (郑小雪), et al. (2019). Spatial variations in the relationships between road network and landscape ecological risks in the highest forest coverage region of China. Ecological Indicators,  96, 392-403.(中科院SCI及JCR二区, Impact Factor: 4.490)
24.Zhang, Z., Gong, B., Tang, J., Liu, Z*. and Zheng, X. X. (郑小雪). (2019). The joint dynamic green innovation and pricing strategies for a hybrid system of manufacturing and remanufacturing with carbon emission constraints. Kybernetes, DOI:10.1108/k-06-2018-0339.(SCI)
25.Zheng, X. X. (郑小雪), Lin, H.Y., Liu, Z.*, Li, D. F., Llopis-Albert, C. and Zeng, S. Z. (2018). Manufacturing decisions and government subsidies for electric vehicles in China: A maximal social welfare perspective. Sustainability, 10(3), 672.  (中科院SCI/SSCI及JCR三区, Impact Factor: 2.592)
26.Yu, G. F., Li, D. F., Qiu, J. M. and Zheng, X. X. (郑小雪). (2018). Some operators of intuitionistic uncertain 2-tuple linguistic variables and application to multi-attribute group decision making with heterogeneous relationship among attributes. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 34(1): 599-611. (中科院SSCI/SCI 及JCR三区, Impact Factor: 1.216)
27.Liu Z. and Zheng, X. X.* (郑小雪), Gong, B. G. and Gui, Y.-M. (2017). Joint decision-making and the coordination of a sustainable supply chain in the context of carbon tax regulation and fairness concerns. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(12): 1464.  (中科院SCI/SSCI及JCR二区,, Impact Factor: 2.101)


3.教育部人文社科研究项目,青年基金项目,20YJC630230,2020/01-2022/12,8万元,已结题, 主持人.
5.福建省本科高校教育教学改革研究项目,一般项目,FBJG20210229,2022/01-2023/12,3万元,在研, 主持人.
8.福建省社会科学规划项目,FJ2013C029, 2013/06-2015/12,1万元,已结题,主持人.
10.福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,JAS170151, 2017/9-2019/12,2万元,已结题,主持人.
11.国家自然科学基金项目,青年基金项目,71804024, 2019/01-2021/12,17.5万元,在研,参加,主要负责博弈模型研究.
12.国家自然科学基金项目,面上项目,71271056, 2012/01-2016/12,55万元,已结题,参加,主要负责匹配算法研究.
13.教育部人文社科项目,一般项目,10YJAZH006, 2010/09-2012/12,9万元,已结题,参加, 主要负责知识本体模型构建.


1.郑小雪(1/3); Cooperative game approaches to coordinating a three-echelon closed-loop supply chain with fairness concerns, 福建省人民政府, 福建省第十四届社会科学优秀成果奖,二等奖, 2021.(省部级)
2.郑小雪(1/4); Manufacturing decisions and government subsidies for electric vehicles in China: A maximal social welfare perspective, 福建省人民政府, 福建省第十三届社会科学优秀成果奖,三等奖, 2019.(省部级)
3.郑小雪(4/6); “六位一体”产教深度融合MBA案例教学体系构建与实践, 福建省教育厅, 福建省高等教育教学成果奖,二等奖, 2022.
4.郑小雪(5/5); 跨境勤惟 中非跨境平台的开拓者, 福建省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,金奖, 2023.

